Williams Transco Northeast Supply Enhancement Project

This project has requested an extension of the FERC Certificate and all other permits are on hold.

May 31, 2016 — Williams is developing a pipeline project entitled the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project to expand its existing Transco transmission system to meet the increasing demand for natural gas in the northeastern United States for the 2019/2020 winter heating season. The company is in the preliminary stages of developing the proposal which is being designed to add 400,000 dekatherms per day of additional natural gas transportation capacity and is targeted to be in service for the winter heating season of 2019.

The preliminary project design in Chester County is limited to:

Additionally, the project will also include the following facilities located outside of Chester County:


A full project description and mapping can be viewed at the following links:

Before Williams can expand or modify its facilities, the company must first apply for and obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from FERC. The details of the pipeline project proposal have not been finalized, and a formal application has not yet been filed with FERC. Williams has, however, initiated an environmental pre-filing review of the project with FERC. The environmental pre-filing review is one of the first steps in the information gathering process and will help the company minimize impacts to the environment and communities.

All documents and correspondence submitted to or issued by the FERC regarding the Project can be accessed on FERC's website under docket number PF 16-5 You may also sign up for the FERC's e-subscription service which will allow you to be notified via email of all future submittals and issuances affecting this project. Additional questions about the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project can be directed to Williams at 717.208.6019 or pipelineexpansion@williams.com.

Project Activity

Williams Gas decides to discontinue the Northeast Supply Enhancement project

After denials of permits for this project in both New York and New Jersey in May, Williams Gas has decided to pause the project indefinitely. View their official statement.

New York State denies the PA-NY Williams Northeast Supply Pipeline

On May 15, 2020 New York State's Department of Environmental Conservation said that the project would not meet the state's rigorous water quality standards, and New Jersey denied various permits related to water quality, wetlands, and flood hazard permits. Williams has indicated that they will not continue to pursue any further permits related to this project at this time. Learn More

Transco applies to FERC for Certificate of Public Convenience

March 27, 2017 — Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company (Transco) filed an application for the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. This application is seeking an approval schedule that would allow service to begin in the second half of 2019. View Letter

You can find Transco's application on the FERC website. Select the eLibrary link from the left hand side (image of a computer mouse), select eLibrary from the left column, and then use the "general search" for the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project, by entering Docket Number CP17-101. You can also find information on the proposed project on the company's website. Contact information listed for the project is 713-215-2264 or nese@williams.com.

Draft Environmental Documents Submitted to FERC

November 23, 2016 — Williams Transco submitted to FERC a draft of environmental documents, known as resource reports, to allow the agency the opportunity to preview the initial data and design for the project. These reports include preliminary analyses of route alternatives, potential impact to water, vegetative and wildlife resources, cultural resources, soils, geology, land use, socioeconomics, noise air quality and safety. This draft analysis of potential impacts is ongoing, and as a result, contains placeholders for information that will be included in the formal application. The Northeast Supply Enhancement project only proposes changes to Compressor Station 200, located in East Whiteland Township. View the filing with FERC.